People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (2024)

    If you say you weren't afraid of some of these characters, you're lying.

    by Salimah McCulloughBuzzFeed Staff

    Remember when you would watch a cartoon as a kid and see the most terrifying character you’ve ever seen, making you immediately turn off the TV? Yeah, same!

    Nickelodeon / Via

    Well — when redditor u/Snoo79382 asked "Which cartoon characters do you find scary and why?" — people were reminded of all the terrifying characters from their childhood and had A LOT to say!

    Cartoon Network / Via

    So, here are just 20 cartoon characters that absolutely terrified us all at some point in our lives:

    1. HIM from The Powerpuff Girls

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (2)

    Cartoon Network

    "The scariest part for me was that he was voiced by the same guy who voiced the Professor. It's like if Satan had your dad's voice."


    2. Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (3)

    Walt Disney Pictures

    "Maybe not 'scary' anymore, but I remember him being really dark for a Disney villain."


    "Frollo is an evil person, and a lot worse than most Disney villains because he's ruthless and ambitious in such a real way. It's like the argument about Umbridge being hated more than Voldemort. Maleficent might be a big scary witch with devil horns and a dragon form who lives in a creepy castle surrounded by goblins, but you might reasonably meet someone like Frollo."


    3. Koh the Face Stealer from Avatar: The Last Airbender

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (4)


    "I would not want to meet him in my lifetime. I don't think I could NOT make facial expressions at him."


    4. Candy Wife from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (5)

    Cartoon Network

    5. Hama from Avatar: The Last Airbender

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (6)


    "Seriously, an old woman who can blood-bend, and the only way for her to be taken down is if you use her twisted techniques against her? She creeps me out!"


    6. Randall from Monster's Inc.

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (7)

    Walt Disney Pictures/ Pixar Animation Studios

    "A lot of the monsters in that film have creepy designs, but yes, Randall is up there. Who would want a giant chameleon with the voice of Steve Buscemi sneaking into your bedroom?"


    7. Sid from Toy Story

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (8)

    Walt Disney Pictures/ Pixar Animation Studios

    "I’m not sure if it was the animation or if it was just the kid himself. I still can’t watch that movie without having flashbacks from my childhood."


    8. King Ramses from Courage the Cowardly Dog

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (9)

    Cartoon Network

    "Most of the characters on Courage the Cowardly Dog scared me, but that damn return the slab guy was terrifying."


    9. Frank the giant harvester from Cars

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (10)

    Walt Disney Pictures/ Pixar Animation Studios

    "During one of the Cars movies, Tow Mater and Lightning McQueen are flipping over tractors at night in a field, and out of nowhere, this huge harvester steamrolls over the hill. That made me sh*t myself."


    10. Coraline's other mother from Coraline

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (11)

    Pandemonium Films/ Focus Features

    "She becomes a spider monster and rips people’s eyes off!"


    11. Hopper from A Bug's Life

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (12)

    Walt Disney Pictures/ Pixar Animation Studios

    "Such an amazing portrayal of actual evil and how the powerless can gain control of others with just words and a look."


    12. Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (13)

    Walt Disney Pictures

    "Imagine somebody so convinced that voodoo is real that he would gladly kill you for his magic."


    13. Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmations

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (14)

    Walt Disney Productions

    "When she's driving her car all wild in the final scene, and her eyes got all huge and wonky. Man, f*ck that sh*t."


    14. Tweedledee and Tweedledum from Alice in Wonderland

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (15)

    Walt Disney Productions

    "Their faces looked so menacing, and poor Alice was lost and scared. Damn scary for 7-year-old me. Nope. Nope. Nope."


    15. The Coachman in Pinocchio

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (16)

    Walt Disney Productions

    "The Coachman’s devil face gave me nightmares, and his whole scheme of kidnapping boys and having them turned into donkeys is scary sh*t!"


    16. The Heffalumps from Winnie the Pooh

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (17)

    Walt Disney Pictures

    "They used to scare the sh*t out of me as a kid. Used to have nightmares of them all the time."


    17. Wallace from the Wallace & Gromit short film series.

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (18)

    Aardman Animations/ DreamWorks Animation

    "I don't know why, but the mere sight of him triggers my fight or flight response. If the show's playing on TV, I'll leave the room no matter where I am. As a kid, I had nightmares where he'd chase me through places so he could kill me."


    18. The elephants from the hallucination scene in Dumbo

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (19)

    Walt Disney Productions

    "They were spooky as sh*t, and the entire scene was very off-putting."


    "Those things f*cked me up as a kid. I was so confused why Dumbo and the mouse saw those things and didn’t know that the bottle of wine was wine. I thought it was apple cider. Those hallucinations haunted me."


    19. Ghostfreak from Ben 10

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (20)

    Cartoon Network

    "The dude had an upside-down skull for a face, and when he possessed people, they had creepy purple eyes that haunted my nightmares."


    20. And Hexxus from FernGully

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (21)

    20th Century Fox

    "Scared me when I was a kid, but damn I love that movie."


    Are there any spooky cartoon characters they missed? If so, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    People Are Sharing The Cartoon Characters That Scared Them As Kids, And Honestly Same (2024)
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